Tweets, Twits and Twitter

Last night when doing some research on Web 2.0 for an article, I decided to join twitter.  Apparently, I joined about 4 hours after my son joined because he was one of the first to be put on the list of people I’m following.  So far, I have 9 people I’m following outta curiousity, including FlyLady, Woot and a couple of people whose blogs I read, Wil Wheaton, DaMomma and GeekMommy.  Following some links from one of Wil Wheaton’s replies, I also added Levar Burton and Brent Spiner (What can I say, I’m a geek, and a Trekkie, though I’m not much of the fan club type, I thought it’d be interesting).

I will say, reading some of Brent Spiner’s entries, I’ve caught myself giggling a couple of times.  Now, some of what he’s said have been tired jokes, and I’ve just rolled my eyes, but other times I was surprised… Including when he said he likes iCarly… a tween comedy on Nickelodeon.

Now, I’m not sure I’ll stay on Twitter, my son and one other friend are the only ones I know on there, but it’ll be an interesting experiment for this weekend.

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