Taste of Home

There’s a local cooperative that sells meat, vegetables and a bunch of other products from around here.  Everything is organic, and local.  They have a school bus that’s been repurposed and redesigned inside to have shelves and freezers.

Since my allergies are so bad here in OK, I try to buy honey from them.  I like honey in my tea, but I also found that 1 tsp. of honey a day helps make my allergy symptoms better.  It can’t be warmed, it has to be raw, but I love the taste of honey mixed with a bit of cinnamon, so it’s not a big deal.

Anyway, I got an email from them on Tuesday, and I’m very disappointed that I didn’t manage to make it to see them in town on Tuesday.  They should be here again tomorrow, I’ll email and double check.  They have some maple syrup as well.  That has me curious, so I may have to stop by tomorrow to see what they have for syrup.  I’ve been craving some real maple syrup for awhile now.  You can get some at Aldi, but it tastes off.

I’d probably do better buying some when I go to VT in September, if anywhere has any left.

On the other hand, maybe I need to buy several sugar maple trees and tap them myself in a few years.  Then I can make my own syrup.  It’ll still taste different, since syrup tastes different depending on the soil, but I’d have a guaranteed way to get a bit of syrup.

If I don’t buy a bunch of trees, I won’t be able to have a sugar on snow party, or maple candy, or maple butter.  Mm, toast with maple butter sounds good as well.

Believe it or not, I’m not hungry, just remembering the tastes of home.

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