Rough week

At work, I alternate between the libraries in the high school and the middle school. On Tuesday, one of the 6th grade kids lost his life.

I was at the middle school on Wednesday, and it was rough. They used the library for counseling. On top of it bringing back my memories of Nick’s death, I heard kids trying to deal with losing a classmate and friend. By Wednesday night, I was drained.

Some of the high school kids took the opportunity to act out, and we ended up in a modified lockdown on Friday morning. Parents found out and pulled their kids later in the day.

Next week is the last week before winter break. I’m just wondering how much crazier it’s going to get.

I’m at the middle school Monday (tomorrow) and the funeral is in the morning. I’m not going, I still struggle with funerals, and it’s not my place to be there. I’ll miss the kid’s smile, and his visits to the library, but it’s not about me. This is a memorial for the 12 year old. They don’t need me losing it because my son’s loss is still so strong.

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