Pretty good

We have been working on replacing our roof. The roof had way more problems than we realized though we should have expected it. We did buy a house that had been abandoned for more than 12 years, that had been gutted as well.  This home improvement project is taking a lot longer than expected (don’t all home improvement projects??) We keep finding things that we need to do or replace.

Oklahoma opened back up on May 1, and I had bought everything at least 2 to 3 weeks before that, so that tells you how long we’ve been working on it between rain, everyone working, and asking temperamental 19 year olds to help.

With all the walking up and down the ladder and along the slanted roof, my back and knees were really bothering me. I had gone off Keto when the quarantine started when it was hard to find a lot of my regular foods. I know the weight I regained did not help me at all, even though it was just another 10 pounds.

I started back on Keto on Monday and it’s mostly meant eating cheese and eggs, since they are still relatively easy to get. I save the regular meat for dinner unless its leftovers.

Mostly it’s been satisfying. I’m not hungry, and now that the sugar is out of my system I’m not craving sweets.

Tonight I wanted a little something extra, so I went through one of the cookbooks I bought when I was first doing Keto in 2017 and 2018.

I made a mocha frappe tonight, and it’s actually pretty good, though my son thinks it looks gross.

Ignore grandma willow in the background. My daughter is watching Pocahontas on Disney+.

I need to go pick my niece up from work, so laterness and g’nite.

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