Feeling old
I was reading a paper from a copywriting place talking about how 27 years ago, let the Internet go beyond a research/non-profit platform. Amazon, eBay and PCWorld all got started that year.
That was in 1995. The year after I started MUDding. It doesn’t seem like it could be that long.
I’m listening to a summit on copywriting. In the summit, they’re talking about Web 3.0. Eighteen years ago, they were talking about Web 2.0. I remember the changes that were made to web design.
Heck, my blog is an example of it, since it hasn’t changed since 2007. (I went back and figured out when I started this blog.) The design on this blog is an example of how we designed when I was working for the web design company in 2000. It is so far out of date.
I’m working on updating it, and it should go live around the time that I move my sites to SiteGround where I can have a security certificate and get rid of the ‘not secure’ warning that everyone sees when they visit my site.
Yet, 27 years ago none of this existed.
Now, no one hardly has time for anything. Short snippets of information.
Blogs should be one line or two lines of sentences in each paragraph. Never more than 4 lines. I get it, it makes it easier to scan, but it’s still just… different.
I also get it because I don’t have a lot of time myself. I’m almost ready to publish my fiction book. I’ll link it here once I do. I’m really just stuck on a title. I’ve got 7 different books outlined. That’s just for the first series.
I’ve been uploading books about marketing businesses online. I had planned on just 4, but after the writing summit today, I need to write one more. I’ll probably wait until after I start uploading my fiction books. That one is going to take longer because I’m going to have to do a lot of research.
Anyway, I’ve got work and job hunting to do.