50 Weird Trends Boomers Will Remember but Millennials Think Are a Joke (msn.com)
I happened to notice something on MSN today. The title of the article caught my attention. I figured it was things from the 60’s and 70’s.
Nope, it’s all 80’s trends.
That’s not Boomers, that’s GenX. You know, the forgotten generation. Everyone forgets about GenX & GenZ when they’re talking. It’s all Millennials and Boomers. (Funny, even GenX and GenZ are showing up as misspelled per Grammarly. GenY is the suggested replacement.)
I just have to roll my eyes at articles like this. Seriously, things like Pet Rocks, Punk Bands and bright/outrageous makeup, those are all 80’s trends. When GenX were teen to mid-twenties.
I am starting to do okay more often. I have weeks where I still mourn. I know I always will. Something will pop up, and I’ll have a rough day. (Last week was one of those times. A picture popped up on my Facebook memories, and the comments were all a conversation between my step-son and myself.)
It will never get easy, though it will be easier. I’m working to remind myself that there’s nothing we could have done.
I’m forcing myself to write more. That seems to help. Even if I’m not writing anything related to him.
I have decided that I’m going to have a character by his name in one of my upcoming romance novels. I just haven’t found the right story yet.
In the meantime, I have a lot going on this week.
Thursday, my youngest has his 8th grade promotion.
Friday, he’s been invited to a birthday party.
Saturday, my daughter has her high school graduation.
And without thinking, I set the due date for my next romance novella as by Thursday at midnight GMT (about 7 CST). I’d better get writing. I think I have about 12 chapters left, but only about 6,000 words. These are all short reads, 15,000 words or less.