Ick, just … ick

I was scrolling through Twitter earlier today, I don’t even remember why now. I do know it was when I was waiting for my daughter to get back to the cars after her appointment for senior pictures.


I just started to read the article, and realized it was behind a paywall. I found another article, on the FDA site from last November. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/fda-voices/fda-works-strengthen-food-safety-protections-consumers-increasingly-order-foods-online

The gist of the story is that meal delivery services aren’t FDA regulated. After so many years in foodservice and the food business, it just grosses me out.

They could be the cleanest places in the country, but they need to be FDA regulated, just like any other place that serves food. They need to be tracked and pass inspections like anyone else who repacks or produces food – even a restaurant has to pass a health inspection.

Failure to do that is putting anyone who uses these services at risk. Yet, the number of meal delivery services is exploding.

Just my thoughts. I understand it’s a small thing in the bigger picture, but it makes me glad that I’ve never ordered from one of these services.


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