From the files of: too cute :)
I said something earlier about my daughter doing a Walk Away the Pounds video with my husband. Well, this morning, when I was doing the video because of a walking contest we’re doing at work… I caught my son doing it. I even got it on video. Once I get my writing done for the week, I may try to get it uploaded for those who are interested in seeing it. My husband said the 1 year old did it, but I didn’t believe him until this morning…
As for the other… well we’re doing a contest at work where they gave us pedometers and divided us into teams, and we’re supposed to see which team can get the most mileage between March 1 and May 31… so far all I’m finding is that the pedometer doesn’t always show all of the steps I’ve taken during the day, and when it does, I take a lot fewer steps than I thought. My goal is to hit 5,000 consistently by the end of March…. which means I need to find out if I can have the pedometer replaced as I managed to break the clip somehow…. Let’s just hope they don’t consider that actually breaking the pedometer, and I won’t have to pay for the replacement. Sighs.