You know I had to bring it up 😀

I’ve been playing on the OpenAI website when time permits, and I’ve been doing some looking/research at how it affects cybersecurity. It’s not all fun and games.

My oldest and I were talking Saturday night about ChatGPT. Some of our conversation made me think.

I’ve used it to outline blog posts and novellas. It’s just not great at giving information sometimes. I saw an interesting article on Medium talking through a top level of how it works.

My son was concerned that AI gives too much of an advantage to hackers, and not enough help to those who work in cybersecurity. I’ve done a lot of reading that suggests it can help with detecting attacks.

I’m not sure which is true, and which is the best answer right now. I need to do much more research.

Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.

Either way my son said something that reminded me of the quote from Jurassic Park that I have to the right. One of the programmers behind ChatGPT says he regrets creating it. It’s too late to go back. Just because you can program something like this doesn’t mean you should.

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