Automaker Problems

November 18th, 2008 at 2:39pm |

Just a note before I start with today’s entry, I’m aware that is down.  I should be able to get it fixed tomorrow.   So when I opened my Yahoo! email last night, I saw that the Fed (namely Paulson) is against a bailout for the automakers.  Honestly, this makes me crabby.  It was so […]

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Election Day

November 6th, 2008 at 9:10pm |

I was lucky, no one said a word either way at my work, even though I’m in a very Republican state. I expected to hear a lot of sour grapes, but I didn’t hear anything. On the other hand, some online friends of mine are upset. They think that Obama’s tax plan is going to […]

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The Line Between Black and White

November 1st, 2008 at 3:47pm |

I was talking to a friend of mine in MO last week.  She said that she’s been getting a lot of robo-calls from the Republican party.  At least one of these robo calls was recorded by Rudy Giuliani.  According to her, all of the robo calls have been nasty, mud slinging packs of lies.  Each […]

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How Very Interesting

October 26th, 2008 at 9:57pm |

Email from OK Senator Coburn (Opens in a new window) Well, after several weeks, I got an answer from OK Senator Tom Coburn about the bailout bill.  Jim Inhofe, who is the Republican incumbent for the senate has a political ad saying that he voted against the bill (of course the ad is attacking the guy […]

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Finger Pointing All Around

October 1st, 2008 at 10:45pm |

 A dear friend of mine asked me to post again because he didn’t like the story about breastmilk in Ben & Jerry’s ice cream. Hehe  So it looks like they may have passed a bailout bill finally.  They only had to work on it for about 1.5 weeks.  That’s not bad for our Congress, where everything has to be […]

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“How Dare You?”

September 25th, 2008 at 9:42pm |

Ok, so my ex would have a fit about this one.  My son sent me the following link to a website that has excerpts from the Colbert Report.—how-dare-you His comment was that if he could vote, he’d vote democrat (he’s 17, so another year yet).  Considering his father is a die hard republican, I […]

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Bailing a Sinking Ship

September 22nd, 2008 at 9:52pm |

We’ve been seeing it coming.  All of the mortgage issues have compounded to where we don’t know what company is going to have problems next.  One of the political candidates finally admitted what the rest of us has known for awhile, our economy is in trouble.  But this isn’t really a political post.  McCain is […]

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Palin and Christianity

September 4th, 2008 at 7:09pm |

What I’ve been reading about Palin lately has seriously disturbed me, just not for the reasons that everyone would think.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t agree with a lot of what she says.  I believe that abortion is a personal choice, and that our right to say what someone else can and cannot do stops at their personal bodies.  […]

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McCain’s Fundamental Error

September 1st, 2008 at 10:58pm |

Another taboo subject… politics.  I generally don’t talk much about it simply because it’s one of those things that gets people all riled up.  Politics and religeon.   I have to think though that McCain didn’t think through his choice of a Vice Presidential candidate.  I read somewhere that he only talked to her once before […]

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Alexander Solzhenitsyn

August 5th, 2008 at 10:31pm |

On Sunday, Alexander Solzhenitsyn died in his home in Moscow.  I was very sad to hear of this, though it sounds though he lived a full life.  He was 89 when he died. I’ve mentioned it a couple of times to people and gotten blank looks.  Many people didn’t know who he was.  Alexander Solzhenitsyn […]

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