October 26th, 2011 at 9:09am |
Are we a democracy or a republic? Are we turning into the Incorporated States of America? From YouTube: Edited to add the following, posted from OccupyOakland. And one more: I know my parents don’t agree with Bernie, but this is what I’ve been saying when my parents ask my opinion of what’s going on, or […]
Read the rest of No Comment, Just Questions
October 4th, 2011 at 11:35pm |
With apologies to Tracy Chapman, it seems like the revolution has started not with a bang, but with a whisper. Occupy Wall Street has been marching on Wall Street past the original 14 days planned. They’re now coming up on 21 days – if I remember correctly. Similar groups have been marching in other cities […]
Read the rest of Don’tcha Know, Talkin’ ’bout a Revolution, Sounds Like a Whisper
September 26th, 2011 at 9:40am |
I frequently read The Simple Dollar (opens in a new window). Trent Hamm has a number of arguments for watching your spending, and very clear ideas on ways to save money and pay off debt. He uses some of the tips from Dave Ramsey, but also pulls from other sources and tells what works for […]
Read the rest of Chaos or Precursor to Collapse?
September 20th, 2011 at 3:58pm |
Interesting article on /. (aka Slashdot) the other day. It wasn’t long, but the discussion got me thinking about the tech sector and how poorly some companies are doing. This segued into how many big companies are handling things. The article is http://tech.slashdot.org/firehose.pl?op=view&type=story&sid=11/09/17/2237256 (Opens in a new window) How much oversight is there for big […]
Read the rest of Firing by Phone?
August 27th, 2009 at 4:16pm |
California unloads on eBay (Opens in a new window) To help close the gap in the budget, California is selling their surplus on eBay instead of just auctioning it like most states. To try to get more money out of these repos and impounds, the governor is autographing many of the items. All a great idea, […]
Read the rest of For Love or (of?) Money
March 3rd, 2009 at 8:50pm |
Ok, those of you who know me know I don’t normally curse or otherwise use bad language. It’s a product of my upbringing, and I’ve always felt that people resort to that kind of language when they can’t think of the appropriate ‘real’ word. However, the more I think about it, the less I can […]
Read the rest of SNAFU (Situation Normal, All Fucked Up)
January 30th, 2009 at 11:47pm |
I’m writing this tonight with my future geek sitting on my lap. He wants to be held and the only way I can manage that tonight is to sit him on my lap looking at the computer. He’s starting to get fussy though, so this is a quick post. I’ve been doing more looking at […]
Read the rest of Future Geeks, Partisanship and Travel Plans
January 23rd, 2009 at 11:30pm |
My laptop has been OOC (out of commission) for several weeks now. I think it was just before Christmas when the heat sink & fan died. I bought one off eBay, but the frelling seller sent me something other than I ordered and I can no longer get a response from him… when I got […]
Read the rest of Heat Sinks, Server Patches and More Sour Grapes
January 10th, 2009 at 12:23am |
This song is on a serious subject, but I find it funny. Let me know what you think. I found it on the Natural News website at http://www.naturalnews.com/I_Want_My_Bailout_Money.html I Want My Bailout Money by Michael Adams – The Health Ranger I’ll put it in a player tomorrow. Hubby has already started watching In the Name […]
Read the rest of A New Song
January 9th, 2009 at 12:32am |
Just a few notes tonight while I’m trying to wind down. I haven’t been posting much, but that’s partially the joy and pain of having a newborn around. I’ve also been swamped between writing assignments for the company I write for and going back to work. And my laptop has been down for the count, […]
Read the rest of Sour Grapes and Other Clips