Shopping around
At some point very soon, I’m going to have to wipe the hard drive on my laptop and reinstall Windows. The main problem is, I bought it used from work and got the key for this copy of Vista since it came with the computer, but I don’t think I have an installation disc for Vista. That should make things fun.
I’m not sure a total wipe will help anyway, I heard a rattling near my fan when I rebooted earlier.
I think I need to find a place where I can upload the files I want to keep so I don’t lose them when I reboot. I’ve got another doorstops that I need to somehow access and get files off it too.
Anyway, it’s late. I’m tired. I’m frustrated by the laptop that is going out. Maybe I should just buy brand new this time. I just don’t really want Windows 8, and am no longer as familiar as I used to be with Linux.
Laterness & g’night.