
Hey, 3 days in a row, anyone shocked yet?  Probably 🙂 I went so long without posting at all.

I’ve been looking into Homesteading lately.  Mostly because I’m frustrated with work and would love to be able to get by on just my husband’s income so I could stay home.

Though a dear friend has pointed out that me staying home would include me bored out of my mind.  I think this friend just knows me too well. LOL

Then again, there’s always gaming and writing to keep myself occupied.  Not to mention, working on a garden and whatever else is involved in homesteading (I really need to check into it – but our place is only 1/2 acre, not big enough for animals, not even chickens, so if Homesteading includes raising chickens, I may have to scrap that idea lol).

On the other hand, I will be starting a garden, most likely of the square foot variety.  With the quality of the fresh veggies you get at the store, and the price of said veggies, I think I need an alternative.

That’s why I started mulching old branches.  I’ll have to level the ground in the back yard and replant the grass as I can.

I’ll do the landscaping little by little as well.  I’m really planning on turning it into a work of art, just because that’s what I’ve always wanted to do.  I need to find a place where I can buy statuary, tho hubby won’t be happy mowing around it. We’ll just have to move it when we mow.

There’s another snow storm coming tonight.  School is already cancelled for tomorrow and nothing has hit yet.

And as much as I’m putting off going to sleep because I don’t want to work tomorrow, I already know they’re not closing the office.  Besides, I won’t be able to permanently avoid the power play going on, the one that I’m caught in the middle of.  I’m just going to have to ride everything out, and try to remember that it’s a steady paycheck, and the paycheck is what matters.

Now if they’d just let me work from home once the youngest starts pre-k next year.  Or else I need to really get my writing done.

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