Going through Hell

I’ve been spending time reading other blogs lately.  There are a number of different blogs I read regularly, from a couple that are weight-loss related and written by friends I’ve met online through the years, to ones that are written by complete strangers.  One of the ones written by a complete stranger is also weight-loss related. The one I’m linking to tonight isn’t weight-loss related.  Though this person has written about weight-loss, or at least our pursuit of ‘perfection.’  Many of his posts are feel-good.  Others are meant to make you laugh.  After all, the blog title is ‘Single Dad Laughing.’

Single Dad Laughing: The Thousand Roads Through Hell (Opens in a new window)

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about where my life is lately.  I’m second guessing my choices, including when I chose to drop out of college – for the second time.  Of course, at the time I was spending a lot of time MUDding, but there were other things going on in my life as well.  Dropping out started one trip through my hell.  But, I got through and things brightened for me.

I’ve been in the middle of another, as if some of what I write isn’t enough of an indication.  I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s still going to be a long road.  Much of what’s going on with me is because I kept second-guessing myself.  I kept going back to the beginning and starting over, like it was going to help things improve faster.

Life isn’t always sunshine and roses, and I thank God that it’s not.  When we go through our own personal hell, we grow up.  Having the bad around helps us to enjoy the good, and there is much good out there for us to enjoy.  One of these days, I’ll be all the way through this latest hell, and life will be very good.  In the meantime, it’s encouraging me to change a few things about my life.  That’s something that I’ve needed to do for a long time.

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