Free to Good Home
I’ve got 4 kittens that are free to a good home… or any home other than mine. They think I’m some kind of new cat toy, the kind you climb on and sink your teeth into. Ouch!
So I haven’t been posting as often this week. Not for any real reason other than it’s time for school to start. I’ve been getting my daughter accustomed to going to bed at a certain time, etc. I forgot how time consuming that is. I hadn’t had to do it for so long because my oldest never had a set bedtime once he got into high school. It didn’t matter what time he went to bed, he just needed to be able to get up on time for school.
For those of you who know that I’ve been trying to move… it’s not happening for awhile. My mother just put in a bid on a house, but the house is a short sale so we’re not sure how long that’ll take. Then we’ll need to play it by ear. Plans are to stay with her once she can move.
Which means, the job situation doesn’t matter. I’m going in and doing my work, then leaving. It’s just a means to an end. I do need to update my website(s) and work on the other one. But I’m having issues with my graphics program, so I’m downloading the most current version to use.
In the meantime, I leave you with this thought. There is a difference between humility and low self-esteem. The art of being humble can be a fine line to walk, but those who are humble do better in their relationships as a whole.
A parallel thought, what does your behavior toward your family show them? I realized that time was passing and I wasn’t spending enough time with my younger 2 children, so I picked up a habit I had when my oldest was the same age as my daughter. I read 1 to 2 books to the kids each night before bed. I want them to remember my reading to them, not my sitting on the computer and ignoring them every evening. My kids are important to me, even the girl that was almost a step-daughter to me.
This week, I started walks with my husband and kids every night – though tonight I went for a walk alone since we were late getting home. Sunday I started the reading. Kids grow up too fast, as I well know.