Zen or the Art of Worry
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?” ~ Matthew 6:25
Something I’ve learned over the last year. I need to stop worrying about things that I have no control over. Of course, over the years I’ve worried about a lot of things that I have no control over. This takes a lot of the fun out of my life. It’s kinda hard to enjoy yourself when you’re worried.
My goal this weekend is to let go and forget about the job situation. I have a website that needs to be designed (http://www.seocopywritingdesign.com) and will work on that as well as picking up the house. Though I won’t have to mop, my husband mopped on Thursday because the kittens peed on the floor. Only one of the four has figured out the litter box. That’s still not bad at 5 weeks.
Something that was sent to me in email a few years ago is this:
“Take the most difficult challenge you are now facing and turn it into the greatest opportunity to grow simply by changing how you see it. Dead ends then become turning points.” Bob Perks
It definitely gives me something to think about. I have a few idea for the weekend, including a bunch of reading. I need to check into an inter-library loan… or else I can spend some time working on the afghan I was knitting for my sister’s son. I have a couple of other yarn projects going if I can get the afghan finished.