Ups and downs
Life seems more like a roller coaster lately, though I want to get off. The last couple of weeks, I’ve been struggling with grief again.
I know this is a long process, and some days are almost normal. Then I hear a song on the radio or see something that makes me think of my step-son and it all starts over again.
When someone asks how we’re doing it brings everything to the surface. I know they mean well, so I basically just tell them we have ups and downs.
My husband has been so angry since it happened. It’s made it rough at home at times because we start arguing because I won’t put up with it.
I’ve got a job that I really like, but right now I’m making less in one month than I used to make in a week. On the one hand, I don’t want to leave, but on the other, I’m struggling to find any more bills that I can reduce. I have 2 loans that I really need to refinance or something.
I’ve started another blog talking about how to manage stress and anxiety. I need to get more posts up. It’s hard to want to write sometimes right now.