Well, duh

December 31st, 2012 at 9:25pm |

As the year comes to a close, I realized that I haven’t posted a lot this year.  There has been a lot on my mind, but it doesn’t always translate well to the screen. I saw an article several weeks ago about the McRib.  It was talking about how the McRib is processed meat.  Well […]

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The Healthier US Schools Challenge

December 11th, 2012 at 11:11pm |

Ahh yea, so I closed last time saying I’d go into the HUSSC, but never did so, didn’t I? It’s been in the news that the USDA, or rather the branch of the USDA that is the Food and Nutrition Services (aka FNS) developed new guidelines for school lunches.  The lunches are divided into calorie […]

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Pop some popcorn and enjoy the show aka debate – or not

October 5th, 2012 at 10:50pm |

Maybe the debate wasn’t actually much of a show.  Romney spent too much time smirking and changing his story.  Obama spent too much time smirking and looking anywhere but at his opponent or the audience. I’ll say it flat out, though I know my brothers will disagree with me – and at least one reads […]

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Too Much Input

September 17th, 2012 at 10:28pm |

I’m feeling like a bad mother tonight.  My son got home from Afghanistan on Saturday, but I missed his post on Facebook.  I have too many things in my news feed (like pictures that friends post that they like… they’re funny, but enough is enough).  I think it’s about time to start cleaning up my […]

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Paying the Consequences

August 22nd, 2012 at 10:47pm |

It’s funny, we all pay the consequences for the decisions we make.  Some of us seem to be aware of this, and some of us take the victim route instead. Right now, I’m dealing with the latter.  The person I’m talking about has 2 kids and has been married for a very short time to […]

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Choices, the Good and the Bad

August 14th, 2012 at 11:40pm |

So, last weekend Romney made a choice on who his running mate is going to be.  I’ve been watching interestedly because I’m curious about whether the choice is going to be good or bad for his campaign.  I mean, he’s been sliding in the polls. I find it even more interesting that he chose another […]

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In other news: the CDC was right (maybe)

June 4th, 2012 at 12:05am |

Last year, the CDC posted a blog entry about the Zombie Apocalypse (opens in a new window/tab).  No, they weren’t actually expecting zombies to pop out of the ground.  Instead, they were trying to make a point about being prepared for bad weather. Then last week, I was reading an email from Natural News about […]

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The food on our plates

May 27th, 2012 at 6:00am |

I was reading the NaturalNews website the other day and saw an article that refers to the Pink Slime that I mentioned the other day.  http://www.naturalnews.com/035919_pink_slime_meat_glue_factory_food.html (opens in a new window). In it, they talk about how consumers are driving the food manufacturing business.  If the consumers don’t like what’s in a product, they avoid […]

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Is it wrong to be an Introvert?

May 19th, 2012 at 11:35pm |

More food for thought. I used to struggle with the fact that I’m an introvert.  When I was growing up, I’d read during my free time.  In grade school, I’d read during the time after I finished a test before the test time ended.  At least one of my teachers found it hard to get […]

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Equality and Inequality

May 17th, 2012 at 10:08pm |

Only two different videos tonight.  One is highly partisan, but is only 5 minutes.  The other talks of inequality, and is 16 minutes long. I think the second is more valuable, but the first still gives food for thought.

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